Architecture and tools

"How can I make sure that I'm using the right cloud service for my workload?"

Our specialists help organizations to design their architecture and pick the right tools to meet their cloud objectives.

Using the the AWS Well-Architected Framework as a guideline, we identify critical infrastructure components that require analysis and we build an action plan.

High availability

Engineering for fault tolerance and design for redundancy based on cost and RPO / RTO objectives.

Performance and scalability

Compute optimization though autoscaling, microservices and serverless.

Database solutions

Optimize data management using the right database solution for the purpose.

Security analysis

Review users, permissions, roles, security groups, WAF, Guard Duty, Security Hub and Cloudtrail.


Implement AWS DevOps tools (infrastructure-as-code, CI/CD, config management).

Cost optimization

Analyze workloads; select the right pricing scheme.

Lets build the data platforms of the future together.

Harness the power of the cloud.

Cloud-based solutions